Friday, December 23, 2011

Iako u srednjem veku nije bilo televizije, opet su ga zvali mračni. Hmmm.....?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Haos se ne moze proracunati, moze se samo racunati na to da ce ga biti.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Night Is Full Of Promise

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ukusi su razliciti

Gorko, slatko, ljuto.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Headcleaner Silence!

General mobilization!
All subjects to be deconditioned1

Fall into line!
Attention! Unpredictable, forward march!

New wonders, new horrors
tornado for obligations to convention
for the convolutions
in the skull, cyclone
Wire brushes to the vermine trash!

Clotted thoughts, frozen now melt

Behind us the universe
With us inhumanity
Against universal humanity
any means is right
and proper only the right to the mean average

On parade the psychatric unit
over-the-top ascetics up front
pumped up

Next in the line wild rank and file
just one thing in their heads:

one half of my dreams is shaved bald
the first battering on the door
the first one from official quarters
with questions
a matchstick caught in my throat
no phrase
through my throat
which would not
start a blaze
don`t wait
get a close shave escape
those were the dreams.

A song, one, two, three:
"All you need is HEADCLEANER!"

cause nothing has been done that can' t be done
nothing has been sang that can`t be sung
and nothing has been set, so forget how to play the game
it`s easy

nothing has been made that can`t be made
and no one has been saved, that should have been saved
and nothing you can do but forget yourself this time
it`s easy

cause nothing has been known that can`t be known
nothing has been seen that ain`t been shown
nowhere you can be and that isn`t where you meant to be
it`s easy

all you need is HEADCLEANER

The right to attacks of controlled frenzy —
a scout patrol with cosmic inquity
takes it into captivity.
Discipline is soaked
Last wind machine before the battle!
This is wherethe storm unit sweeps out
with hurricane deep pore cleansing — never seen again!
Between grey cells and in all the furrows
where hidden fungus allways burrows
they eliminate
it is too late
bombarded with salutes and mowed down
straight with HEADCLEANER!

This here is in flames, that there has
completely collapsed.

Heavy and thick ash rain.

Dissolved in smoke and fog.

It`s getting light, not a new day
but an approaching fire; stay at a distance:
darkness will return.

The sun is rising, gloomy eclipse of the sun.

Everything is coated with ash
like snow.

We, however, who now know the danger and
who are aware of it, even we cannot yet make
up our minds...

selbstportrait mit kater

Thursday, September 29, 2011

it happend again

Going out for a quiet night out,
coming home totaly Charlie Sheened...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Die Interimsliebenden



Stojim ispred kuce.
Jesam li dosla ili posla?
Pre 10 godina dosla.
Danas tek polazim.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Genie let out of the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Genie let out of
the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Murderers, you're murderers
are not the same as you
Genie let out of the bottle
Funny how, funny
When the walls bend, when the walls bend
With your breathing, with
your breathing
When the walls bend, when the walls bend
With your
breathing, with your breathing
With your breathing
They will suck you
down to the other side
To the shadows

The Gloaming - Radiohead

dawn 13.08.2011.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cure for insomnia

Mislim da bi mi trenutno samo ovaj lek pomogao..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ubivanje na mrtvo ime.. nedeljnog popodneva

Juče, kada smo bile pored dvorca kralja tame
koji je na svom tremu ranije imao dva,
a sada samo jedan
Phallus od 2 metra,
s drugarom, prinčem svetlosti
s roze naočarima,
da podelimo neku salatu koju neću prikazati,
gde su veprovi trčali tamo-amo i cimali nas (zbog salate)
a likovi poput Sir Digby Chicken Ceasar and Ginger
prolazili sa svojim stadom mušica,
grickali smo seme bundeve i kikiriki,
kupljene u radnji dobrog Samarićanina,
koji nije bio tamo, ali jeste njegova kći,
dok me je Anima čekala ispred
u nekom svom daydreamu.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Neko je u ovom, savremenoom, ubrzanom i uzurbanom, vreme-je-novac vremenu, jednom izmislio igru kojoj ja licno ne znam naziv, a cilj i metod je isti Randomness, odnosno nasumicnost. U jednom od jako zauzetih momenata dok sam pregledala neke slike na sestrinom FB, jer (jos uvek) nemam svoj, naisla sam na neku slicicu koja je produkt te igre. Inace ne volim takve stvari i zaobilazim ih u sirokom krugu (jer su uglavnom bezveze) ali ovo je bio moj posebno zauzet momenat, te sam se, uzevsi u obzir i smisao slike koja je i pokrenula ideju, i ja okusala.
Pravila igre glase:

1 - Go to wikipedia and hit RANDOM. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of YOUR BAND.
2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. ...Third picture no matter what is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 - Post it with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to JOIN in.

Sva pravila su ispostovana (sa malim odstupanjima - "The last four or five words" i sitne prepravke same slike), osim 5. iz vec navedenih razloga.

Ovo je rezultat:

ove potrage:
Scorpius XR-4 (
Life is like getting dropped off in the middle of the woods, and then year by year, gradually walking home.
Na kojoj bi verovatno prva i jedina kompozicija bila:

Ovo je vec stvar licnog izbora.

A evo jos jednog primera:
-Farmers Manual
-One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child.
Randall Jarrell (1914 - 1965)

Eh, sta coveku uradi ova vrucina..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Prizivanje Kiše

Oblačno je nedelju dana
a ni kap da padne
tri pokušaja ubistva u afektu,
a crvene Kiše ni kap..
plešem i plešem,
plačem, smejem se,
cerekam se, ridam,
vrištim, ćutim,
obožavam, mrzim,
hoćeš li više pasti?

ples nije dovoljan,
držim nož pod grlom jadne Životinje
spremna na najgore,
srce će mi pući,
ali MORAM!
bogovi će znati to da cene,
uslišiće moju molitvu.
samo mali rez,
da poteče njena Krv,
zarad moje.
ne mogu,
pa je pustim.
tada zagrmi,
Vetar počne jače da duva,
ležim na ispucaloj Zemlji,
gledam u Nebo,
slušam Oluju koja se muči,
ali nikako da rodi,
još uvek ništa..
ustajem i plešem,
plačem, smejem se,
cerekam se, ridam,
vrištim, ćutim,
obožavam, mrzim,
hoćeš li više pasti?

ne mogu više da podnesem.
da je slušam kako vrišti,
uzimam nož
naslanjam ga sebi na zglob leve ruke
tanka crvena linija ostaje pod oštricom
na sečivu se pojavi kapljica
prvo jedna pa zatim i druga,


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mouthful Of Diamonds

Wake up, you're gettin' high on your own supply
Oh, baby, you're still alive when you could've died, oh
The world is not around because of you
You know I'm not around because of you

You've got a mouthful of diamonds
And a pocketful of secrets
I know you're never telling anyone
Because the patterns they control your mind
Those patterns take away my time
Hello, goodbye

Wasted, you tell the truth when you could've lied
And troubles are on the rise cuz you're in disguise, oh
And if it isn't me then pack your bags and leave
I wish I could believe those devils won't take you back
Out to the salty sea

You've got a mouthful of diamonds
And a pocketful of secrets
I know you're never telling anyone
Because the patterns they control your mind
Those patterns take away my time
Hello, goodbye

I wish I could believe...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lucy's underground

Phantogram "When I'm Small"

Lucy's underground
She's got a mouth to feed
Am I underground
Or am I in between
Lucy's underground
She's got a mouth to feed
Am I underground
Or am I in too deep

Show me love
Who's got your hand on the button of
Showin' love
You've got your hand on the button of

Oh oh oh oh oh

Lucy's underground
She's never coming back
Am I still alive
Or has the life gone bad

Take me underground
Take me all the way
And bring me to the fire
Throw me into the flames

So show me love
Who's got your hand on the button of
Showin' love
You've got your hand on the button of

I would rather die
I would rather die
Than to be with you

Oh oh oh oh oh

Sunday, April 10, 2011


STRVINA - Šarl Bodler

Sećas li se, o dušo mila, dan beše letnji
i nebo spokojno i jasno,
kao na zavoju ceste, na šljunku, mi u šetnji
strvinu gnusnu ugledasmo?

Nogu dignutih uvis, k'o žena bludu sklona,
s otrovnim znojem vrenja ružnih,
nehajno je, bestidno širila trbuh ona,
sav prepun isparenja kužnih.

Tu gnjilež je grejalo i peklo sunce vrelo,
k'o savesni i vredni pekar,
željan da mnogostruko prirodi vrati delo
koje je sastavila nekad.

Nebesa su gledala bujanje mrtvog tela
što poput cveta stade rasti.
Smrad beše tako silan, da si od njega htela
u nesvest na travu pasti.

Roj muva je zujao kraj creva i kraj usta
a bataljoni crva, siti,
gmizahu naokolo, i kao tečnost gusta
prelivahu taj dronjak živi.

To beše kao talas, čas nadut, čas razliven;
meso je kipelo u vrenju,
kao da telo čuva dah neki, živ i skriven,
težeći umnogostručenju.

Sve to brujaše čudno, k'o vetar, kao plima,
K'o voda kada razlije se,
Il' zrnje žita, kad ga ritmičnim pokretima
u svom rešetu vejač trese.

Oblici nestajahu, kao san, kao slika,
što tek na mutnu skicu liči,
zaboravljena, pa je kičica umetnika
po sećanju tek uobliči.

Jedna nas kuja, malo podalje, ljutim okom
posmatraše, uznemirena,
vrebajući trenutak da na kosturu skokom
ugrabi komad svoga plena.

A međutim, i ti ćes ličiti na to smeće,
na ovu kužnu hrpu gnoja,
Ti, sunce moga sveta, očiju mojih cveće,
Moj anđele i strasti moja!

Kraljice draži, ti ćes, kad dođe čas i za te
da s pomasću se zadnjom kreće,
među kosture sići, da zajedno buđate,
pod travu i pod tusto cveće.

Tada kaži crvima, kad te kroz tminu
ljubljenjem gladnim budu obasuli,
da ja još čuvam oblik i nebesku suštinu
ljubavi moje koja truli!