Sunday, December 30, 2012

Portland, Oregon

Nadam se da cu sledecu NG proslaviti u ovom gradu.

Bike friendly grad, sa svojom pivarom, osim toga, bendovi poput ovih u nastavku su oformljeni u tom gradu.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Nestvarne stvari

Ne-gospodjica ne nedostaje

Danas se ne osecam kao ja, danas se ne osecam kao da sam to ja,
danas se osecam kao starica, kao starica,
imam volju, nemam moc,
imam volju, nemam moc,
voljna i nemocna
Danas sam teorija bez prakse, sustina bez forme,
forma bez sustine,
zvaka na plocniku,
covek bez ociju, ruku,

spineless, headless, wreck
spineless, heartless, wrecks


Kada budem stigla,
kada budem dosla,
kada budem ugledala,
tada cu,
tada cu,
izgubiti, pa naci
naci, pa izgubiti
tada cu,
otici, otici, otici,
tada cu biti
daleko, daleko, daleko.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wedding Present - Interstate 5

I should just get out of here and start driving south on Interstate 5
But I need to stay near, in case you suddenly remember that I'm alive

But I have this nagging fear that sex was all you needed
I've tried to persevere; I guess I've not succeeded

And is it sexist to say that I thought just boys were meant to behave in this way?
And though you seemed quite sincere, will you even recognise my face this time next year?

Well I'll remember how your eyes sparkled in the moonlight
You can surely sympathise; I just wanted more than one night

And yes there was one particular glance that made me afraid
That you were just seeing me as a chance of getting laid

Monday, October 1, 2012

Vralila se lutalica

Fridrih, odnosno Fritz ili Fritzki se vratio iz jednoipo mesecnog lutanja po gradu u subotu nocu, primetila sam ga oko 1 ujutro. Mislila sam da ga vise necu videti, da je poginuo pod necijim tockovima ili je uginuo od posledica borbe oko hrane/zenke/smestaja ili ga je neko nasao i udomio (mada sam znala da je to nemoguce, suvise optimisticna misao, jer je divljakusa). Vratio se! Jedva sam ga prepoznala, da nema specificnu oznaku na vrhu repa, ne znam da li bih to uspela. Bio je sav prljav, blatnjav i smrsao je, pitam se sta je sve to malo bice prozivelo dok je lutalo. Ali ipak, uspeo je da nadje put do kuce i usreci svoju gazdaricu.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Portland, Oregon

Free speech

Because of strong free speech protections of the Oregon Constitution upheld by the Oregon Supreme Court Henry v. Oregon Constitution 1987 which specifically found that full nudity and lap dances in strip clubs are protected speech,[111] Portland is widely considered to have more strip clubs per capita than Las Vegas or San Francisco.[112][113][114]Portland has been titled as "Pornland" for its strip clubs, erotic massage parlors, and high rate of child sex trafficking.[115][116] The term was heavily used in 2010, but the term was referenced by Chuck Palahniuk in 2003.[117]
A judge dismissed charges against a nude bicyclist in November 2008 on the grounds that the city's annual World Naked Bike Ride "was a well-established tradition in Portland. The first instance occurred sometime around 1999 and had less than 7 participants; at the time it was jokingly referred to as "critical ass" (a play on Critical Mass bike rides). Participants would 'purchase' a bike from a local chain department store and then return it the next morning. It used to take place at midnight and lasted until the participants were stopped/arrested. The prankster aspect of it came in when the arresting officers didn't want to touch the naked cyclists in order to arrest them.[118] The 2009 Naked Bike Ride occurred without significant incident.[119] City police managed traffic intersections.[120] There were an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 participants. In June 2010 Portland's World Naked Bike Ride had an estimated 13,000 people.[121][122][123]
A state law prohibiting publicly insulting a person in a way likely to provoke a violent response was tested in Portland and struck down unanimously by the State Supreme Court as violating protected free speech and being overly broad.[124],_Oregon

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012